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Friday, March 19, 2010

Recipe Friday

I must admit...I didn't make the Irish Stew recipe this week.  To be quite frank...this has been a horrible week, and just simply wasn't in the mood to be festive.  I know...not like me at all, but I did receive news today that has made the week a little better.
Anyways....it is Birthday Season at my house, and this is the cake we make for every birthday.  This cake has been a tradition in Kelly's family for like, ever!  We don't always make the frosting part for the kids birthday because I decorate those ones, but the frosting oh so YUM!!!  I hope you enjoy it! 

Let me know if you tried the Irish Stew...and if you try this cake!  I think you should make one this weekend..you won't regret it!  I promise!  My grandma made it for a funeral in her ward, and the ladies in the kitchen didn't serve it!  They kept it for themselves...how cute is that?